Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Purely Purged

"The silver is become dross, thy wine mixed with water..." Isaiah 1:22

"Purity" is a fine Christianish term that usually gets delegated by the prudes of the faith solely to the sexual realm and beaten until it is a dead horse and then beaten some more.
Purity is much more than moral conscience in the sexual realm. Purity means a complete absence of contamination; every part is solely ONE way. There is no mixture.
As Christians, every part of us (body, soul, spirit; morally, psychologically, socially, emotionally, relationally; reason, will, appetites; etc.) is to be completely ONE way, set on one track: a Spirit born, Christ filled, child of God. Every aspect of our lives must conform to this one way:

  • "Spirit born," i.e., no longer a member of the races of this world, we are born into a new race, a spiritual race, a living race, and this dead world with its dead ways no longer hold any meaning for us.
  • "Christ filled," i.e., we have a new disposition in us, a new nature, one that conforms to things higher and greater than ourselves or this world, to a Will higher and greater than ourselves or this world, and our will can now be aligned with that great and higher Will.
  • "Child of God," i.e., we have a new heritage, a new legacy. Our old one has past away, and we are set free from the things that kept us bogged down in hopelessness and shame, because we are now the children of freedom (see Galatians 4:31-5:1), and we are kept free while our will is aligned with our Father's Will.
"I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross..." (Isaiah 1:25) Contamination comes when our will steps away from alignment with the great and higher Will. By our own volition, we sell ourselves into the old bondage (see John 8:34 & Romans 6:15-18), and God will NOT let you stay there. Are you in need of a purge? Repentance will bring you back to the Purger, and purging back to freedom.

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