Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The End of the Veil

"And He will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations." Isaiah 25:7
There is a depth to things beyond our human sight, and let us pray that practical agnosticism has not dulled our senses to it. Chesterton said that all creation is "bewitched," that there is a magic to the world that science can only hint at. Lewis called it the "Deep Magic" that even Aslan obeyed. Tolkien called it the "Music of the Ainur." We know it as the glory of God in all things. All of creation is stamped with the fingerprint of the Creator, and all the marring of sin and the devil cannot change that.
There is indeed a veil over us all, a "grey rain curtain" of this world that hides its inner glory. Christ's return will mark the rending asunder of the veil. His return means more than a mere physical presence; it means the end of the veil, the falling away like scales from our eyes the covering that blinded us to the deeper reality, the reality of the glory of God. That the heavens declare His glory is the most misunderstood verse in the Bible in regards to this matter: God's glory is not mere words; they are actualities. They really is something in the rivers and trees, in the mountains and the meadows. There really is a call of the sea. The glory of God calls to all men's hearts; their is no tongue or language where that song is not heard. The Romantics were right, and their dream will be realized in the end: every star and sun, every rock and rill, every tree and vale, every flowery meadow and flashing sea will be alive with the light and music of the glory of God.
"The whole earth is full of His glory," and we truly have not fancied the half of it. At the name of Jesus all knees will bow not simply because of a name, but because at that day the veil will be gone, and all things will be revealed as they are. Mere mortals will be either gods or demons, the earth will be full of God's glory, and Christ will be known as God and God alone.

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