Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Peace from Knowledge

"All thy children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children." Isaiah 54:13
The true knowledge of peace comes from God, because it is the knowledge of Himself. Anyone can have knowledge, but they are never guaranteed contentment and calm; quite the opposite actually (Ecclesiastes 1:17, 18). The only knowledge that secures peace to a person is that knowledge that comes from God about God. Without Him, there is always some final piece missing, some last part that binds the whole thing together, some missing premise that brings us to the proper and desired conclusion. Without Him, we are, in effect, fumbling in the dark with we know not what.
Knowledge from God is the only knowledge of peace because it is the only knowledge that accounts for Him. All other thinking starts somewhere else: man, principles, ideals, 'gods,' etc. These things reveal themselves, however, as inadequate foundations, chiefly because they do not secure peace; they do not secure stability of mind and soul on the surety that everything is indeed okay. Only the knowledge that God gives provides peace. When He instructs us, then no matter what else we learn, we are secure from fear and despair: "Yes, I know this says such and such; but there is a God, and this is who He is and what He is doing." The knowledge God gives is the knowledge of peace because it is always a revelation of Himself, and He is the source of peace.
"Teach me, Father, by Your Hand
And no one else.
Draw me close to You
And make me as
Unshakable as You are..."
-Jon Vowell

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