Monday, May 28, 2007

Glorious Rest

"...and His rest shall be glorious." Isaiah 11:10b
I suppose we cannot fathom the glory of perfect rest.
Perhaps it is like awakening from sleep without the aid of an alarm clock obnoxiously buzzing in your ear, and lying sandwiched in cool covers with sunlight creeping in through your covered windows. You shuffle around on your mattress slowly and lazily, knowing that there is nothing to do today: no rush, no appointments, no assignments, no schedules, no nothing pulling you into a thousand pieces. So you lay for just a few seconds more with the wonderful knowledge that you could lay betwixt those cool sheets as long as you want and you would not waste the day.
Perhaps it is like sitting in a recliner in your living room, your feet reclined, a blanket covering your legs, your dog napping quietly between your knees. A good book is in your one hand, a cup of hot chocolate in the other, and a cold November day is blowing the leaves around outside the window to your left. No one else is stirring, so the house is peacefully still and quiet, the only sound being the stately "tick-tock" of the grandmother clock hanging on the wall behind you. As the leaves blow, the drink steams, the dog sleeps, and the pages turn, you wish everything in this moment was endless so you would not have to move ever again.
Do you think that is a small glimmer of a shadow of what glorious rest is like? Oh, when shall we know the whole of it?

1 comment:

stephen said...

I think that's about as good a description as our finite minds can grasp, but I think it lacks that infiniteness/awesomeness that will be the true experience.