Thursday, May 10, 2007

The God of Zeal

"The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this." Isaiah 9:7b

If anyone approaches you with the image of God as a flat deity, an emotionless smog of reason and rationality, do not tolerate it. Take the hammer of truth and smash it to pieces, and then grind the pieces down until they are dust to be blown away. Do the same to any image of Christ as a pacifistic ninny. Cast them into outer darkness where they belong. They are false gods that will lead many astray.
Read Ezekiel 5:13. Tell me if that sounds like Ben Stein, or a limp jellyfish. That is the same God alive and ruling today, that is the same God who came in the flesh with a mission known as His "passion" (Acts 1:3), and the same God who, when speaking of sending the Messiah, said that He would do it out of zeal--not sentiment, not duty, but zeal, fiery passion and determination.
There is more than brain up in Heaven. There is heart, and the brawn to be used by it. We must rescue the image of God from anything that pictures Him even a fraction less than what the Bible reveals. Perhaps God does not reveal all of His characteristics to us in His word (again, perhaps), but he revealed enough so that we need not misunderstand who He is.

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