Monday, June 16, 2008

An Even Further Thought

"He feedeth on ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, so that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, 'Is there not a lie in my right hand?'"

Idolatry is a deception, and he who is deceived thereby is not wise, no matter what stellar arguments they think they have. Whereas the life of faith is not one that is void of understanding, the life of unbelief is a life void of understanding. This is the truest application of Romans 1:22: Believing that is it wiser to move on without God, without faith, they fall into every deception and side eddy and false hope under the sun. They say that the life of faith is the naive life; the inverse is the truth: the life of unbelief is the naive life, for it is a life of constant deception.
Step into the marketplace of ideas, step into the universe next door to you, and hear the sounds of fools trying to pass themselves off as wise. Believing that God is merely a spiritual entity that can be ignored and not as the Source of Truth (and all good things), they cut themselves off from the one thing that they say that they are trying to achieve, i.e., to know. You can never know until you know the One who knows all, the One upon whom Truth, Knowledge, and Wisdom rest upon like trees on a mountain.

"How long will we play the fool?
Why do fools fall in love
With lies, and say
That they have found the truth...?"

-Jon Vowell

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