Thursday, October 23, 2008

Back to Reality

"Therefore my people shall know my name; therefore they shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak; behold, it is I." Isaiah 52:6

To know that God (the infinite-personal, Scripture revealed God) is there, is real; that is the reality all men strive for, whether they know it or not. Whether or not we are ultimately alone cuts to the core of all other significant questions: if we are ultimately alone, then there is no solution to the conundrums of being (what is real?), knowledge (how do we know? how do we know that we can know?), and morals (what ought and ought not to be?), because there is no objective, infinite-personal outsider that can tell us these things. The knowledge of the reality of God automatically gives a man the groundwork whereby he can begin to answer the 'big' questions.
Everyone of Israels 'redemptions' was always about bringing them back to the reality of God. The same is true of the Redemption found in Christ. Our Sin has separated us from the God who is there, and that alienation will be the death of us. Christ dealt with Sin on the Cross, and now mankind can return to the reality of God, and find in Him all that humanity has ever desired and hoped for. Jesus is the joy of man's desiring, because He satisfies man's desiring by bringing us back to God.

"Tell all the lost and lonely people
That God is real
And there is a way back to Him..."
-Jon Vowell

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