Thursday, July 17, 2008

True Knowing and Its Perversion

"Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, 'What makest thou?' Shall the work say, 'He hath no hands'? Woe unto him that saith unto his father, 'What begettest thou?' Or to their mother, 'What hast thou brought forth?'" Isaiah 45:9, 10

God designed us with the drive and capacity to know: to know each other, ourselves, creation, and (most importantly) Himself. Where knowing goes bad is when the motive for knowing degrades from true understanding and communion into a method of control and manipulation. Instead of knowing something/someone for the mere sake and pleasure of knowing, we know in order to bend to our will.
God is firmly against this perverted kind of knowing; we were never meant to control outside of Him, because we cannot control outside of Him, and even then we are only meant to control creation (for we have dominion) and ourselves (which is a fruit of the spirit), and even then we are not to control those things in order to bend them to our will but towards God's will. We were never meant to control and manipulate others, and we especially were never meant to control God, which we can never do anyway.
Unfortunately, we still try and control God, despite the futility of it. Sadly, this is the motive factor behind most attempts at "knowing" God, attempts to fully analyze Him in order to fit Him nicely into definable, controllable categories. God rejects all boxes, because He is self-defining and He does not need your definition to say what He is; He has already revealed Who He is in His Word, and even then, the depths of His self-definition have only been half-fancied this side of the grave. All that He is will be perpetually explored as our ever-growing knowledge of Him will be the joy of Heaven.

"If the very universe cannot contain You,
How then can the beaker bottle...?"

-Jon Vowell

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